Makers Lab
design files
idea scribbles
Moritz Steinbeck
week 02 - process mapping
week 01 - kick off
week 03 - reading week
week 04 - critical making 3D
week 05 - collecting & storytelling
week 06 - electronics & Open Design
week 08 - self-directed projects
week 07 - Interfaces & algorithmic bias
week 09 - Interfaces & algorithmic bias
week 10 - self-directed projects
Design Research Skills
Maker Skills and Attitude
Collaborative Learning
getting to know the laser cutter
getting to know the vinyl cutter
and used it as a printer
getting to know the conductive board
different conductive materials
During this week we were able to get to know our fellow students a little better. We asked ourselves different questions to get a more personal impression of each other.

I worked together with Duy this week.

For my task this week I wanted to find a way to make Duy's portrait multi-layered. Because he seemed to me just like that.

Therefore I designed a small puzzle, Duy as head in the center of the puzzle. If you now put the Netherlands and Vietnam on the left and right side of the middle piece, the copper crosses can be used to play different sounds.

For this I asked Duy for a Dutch and a Vietnamese song.
If you now press the cross on the Vietnam puzzle piece, the Vietnamese song will be played. If you press it on the Dutch part the Dutch song.
If you press the cross in the middle of the head, both songs will be played superimposed.

There are also several smaller elements like the backpack or the compass - because Duy told me that he would love to bake for a few months.
To connect all the elements together and then connect them to the Conductive Board, I used different materials.

For the puzzle pieces I used copper tape. Since it could be fastened best at the side edges of the MDF plates.

To connect the smaller elements with the conducite board I used conducitve yarn and attached the MDF elements with wire.